Hot Off The Grill: May 12th, 2012

Ah, Saturday. The best day of the weekend. A day of relaxtion and enjoyment made even better because there’s another day of weekend tomorrow, am I right? Saturday means one thing here at GamerNode: HOT OFF THE GRILL!!

Every weekend, join GamerNode Senior Editor Jason Fanelli (with videographer Matt Boyle behind the camera) as he runs down the top gaming news stories from the previous week. Game announcements, developer quotes, major events: we’ll have it all. This is a one-stop shop of news sure to feed your hunger for what’s happening in gaming.

This week, the city of Columbia floats a bit further away, Dead Space 3 may let you “chill” with a pal, and Sora, Donald, and Goofy may FINALLY be on their way back to consoles. AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE! For Hot Off The Grill!


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Author: Jason Fanelli View all posts by
Jason lives and breathes gaming. Legend tells that he taught himself to read using Wheel of Fortune Family Edition on the NES. He's been covering this industry for three years, all with the Node, and you can see his ugly mug once a week on Hot Off The Grill.

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