Hollywood director seeking game development

goreverbinskiFilm director Gore Verbinski certainly has made himself well-known within the Hollywood landscape. With such films like The Mexican, The Ring and all three Pirates of the Caribbean under his belt, Verbinski is now thinking of getting into game development.

A proclaimed gamer himself, Verbinski reminisced about his video game days, which go far back as the days of Pong. Unfortunately, his proclaimed film career made video gaming take a back seat.

Now he’s developing a secret project that’ll "apply his creative vision to the games business." Verbinski won’t, obviously, reveal any details but he hinted that he wants to take different directions in his games.

"I want to come in from a completely different direction. I’ve had a tremendous experience in the film industry, taking knocks and figuring out how to navigate that world. Before I assume I know how to navigate this one, I want to observe.

It’s a completely different form of narrative than being told a story in the traditional sense. So all the narrative rules, although I enjoy them, you have to start throwing them away and say, "Wow, look at what you can do here in this world!"

What do you think folks, can Hollywood directors crack the gaming market?

[Via LA Times]


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