Halo 3 Mythic's new achievements

Just before PAX, pictures leaked of a behind-closed-doors Bungie room with a screen showing the title "Halo 3 Mythic." Apparently an online-only menu, almost nothing is known about the game. Was it the cancelled E3 announcement? Is it just a work-in-progress placeholder? Is it a surprise collaboration between Bungie and EA Mythic? The title is shrouded in so much mystery people aren’t even sure if it’s real, and Bungie’s claim that it’s "Nothing worth notice" doesn’t do much to dissuade thoughts of possibility from running rampant.

While not much is officially known about the add-on/expansion/whatever-it’s-officially-called yet, thanks to people at PAX who happened to check their Dashboard at Bungie’s booth we do know that "Mythic" will add an additional 30 achievements to the game. Based on various pictures and reports, here are the new achievements you can look forward to (assuming they’re real and stay around–remember, there has been no official statement on Mythic, what it is, or when it will be released, so for now we can only assume it’s a massive Halo 3 update/add-on):


* Heretic Skull: 25 GS
* Assembly Skull: 25 GS
* Citadel Skull: 25 GS
* Tank Dropper: 25 GS;
* Zombie Repeller: 25 GS; Image looks like the Zombie Killing spree skull, with 2 stars behind it.
* Delicious Brains: 25 GS; Picture same as ZR, except with infection spree skull.
* Save this Film: 25 GS; Picture is Perfection medal
* Have Fun Respawning: 25 GS; Picture is Extermination medal
* Killtacular: 25 GS; Picture is Killtacular medal
* Aww, too bad: 25 GS; Picture is Killjoy medal
* …Get the Horns: 25 GS; Picture is Bulltrue medal
* Post mortem: 25 GS; Picture is Kill from the grave medal
* Ghost Patrol: 25 GS; Picture is a ghost splattering someone with 3 stars behind it
* Blades of Fury: 25 GS; Picture is Sword spree medal
* Pull: 25 GS; Picture is Shotgun spree medal
* Hammer Time: 25 GS; Picture is same as Steppin Razor except with a Gravity hammer and 5 skulls instead of 3.
* Look Both Ways: 50 GS; On a Legendary Map, got a splatter spree during a ranked or social match. Splatter spree medal
* Road Rage: 25 GS; Pic is Warthog splattering someone with 5 stars behind it
* Flag dropped: 25 GS; Pic is two ‘Killed Flag Carrier’ medals, one partially covering the other
* Defend this: 50 GS; On a Legendary Map, got a flag melee kill during a ranked or social match. Flag Kill medal
* Came…From…Behind: On a Legendary map, got 3 assassinations on a ranked or social map. 50 GS; Assassination medal along with 3 ninja stars
* Alas, Poor Yorek: 25 GS; Picture is Oddball kill medal along with 3 stars above it
* Double Double: On a Legendary Map, get two double kills during a ranked or social match. 25 GS; Two double kill medals, one partially covering the other
* Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7: 0GS; Entered into a ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month.
* Vidmaster Challenge: Annual. After 9/25/08: 0GS; Completed Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE Co-op with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts. Pic is the the skull with a hammer on the forehead in front is a green marathon symbol with 4 white stars on it
* Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch: 0 GS; Picture is a Lieutenant symbol in front of a green marathon symbol.
* Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan: 25 GS; Picture is 6 skulls stacked into a triangle in front of green marathon symbol.


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Author: Brendon Lindsey View all posts by

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