Someone supposedly got their hands on a copy of Halo 3 early and took a screenshot of the multiplayer map selection screen and sent it into As for why they displayed the manual showing off the basic list of weapons too — the world may never know.
The screenshot shows a list of 11 maps, although these may not be the only ones. At the top of the column it reads "recent maps" So maybe there’s a larger list of maps? We can only hope.
Thanks to this guy covering up the level picture with manual, we don’t even get to see what the Isolation map looks like. It’s like a slap in the face. "Hey guys! Check this out, new maps!"
"But you can only read the names. Now sit back down or I’ll give you another fresh one."
Well sir, joke’s on you. Only 8 more days until I’ll be taking screenshots and throwing backhands your way.