Guncon 3 won't be sold separately for Time Crisis 4

timecrisis4There’s a problem Time Crisis 4 fans, Namco Bandai is NOT selling the light gun accessory separately for the game. In other words, when you buy TC4 for the PS3, you will get the included light gun whether you like it or not.

Sure, it sounds fine for single-player, but what about the more awesome two-player mode? That means if you want to play with a friend, both of you will have to buy a copy of the game so each of you will have a light gun, even though you only need one copy of the game.

The other downside is that the bundle costs around $90 USD; that means two friends have to spend $180 just to experience a decent Time Crisis game. Brendon gave the game a 6.0 out of 10, but states that Time Crisis fans will surely enjoy it although non-fans will have a hard-time grasping the game’s simple and boring concept of shooting everything.

Is this a lame way of increasing potential sales? I don’t know, but I think excess copies of Time Crisis 4 will be littering stockings and closets in the coming future.

[Via The Consumerist]


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