Ok, before you look at the answer, choose from these seven game console categories and rank them according to which ones get the most gaming time to the least: PS3, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, and "other" (handhelds/cell phones, etc).
Ok, done? Nielsen Company has released data showing what game consoles people play on the most.
So regardless of what ‘they’ may tell you about sales figures and whatnot, the study shows a decidedly different real world picture than what the spin doctors will have you believe. The actual figures are surprising, if not somewhat unexpected.
According to the info which tracked gaming activity between April and November of this year, the number one game console that people spent the most time on is…(drum roll please) the PS2 with an average usage of 42.2 minutes per session.
Coming in second is…no, it wasn’t the Wii, which actually placed fifth out of the seven spots; the runner up was the Xbox. Not as in Xbox 360, but as in the original Xbox.
Of course, various factors do come in such as the trio of new gaming consoles not getting a wide enough user base yet, but it is still interesting to note that last gen technology is still doing fine.
If you count the “other” category in this listing as a legitimate contender, this segment actually came in second with 17.1 minutes of average game usage. The “other” category is defined as a game console system not found in the home, so you can include handhelds and cell phones in there.
Taking into consideration the “dust factor” for all the various consoles that are in my household, the figures seem to be off. But then again, hardcore gamers will probably have results that are quite different from the Nielsen study.
How do these figures stack up in your experience?
[via next gen]