Killzone 2, the upcoming PS3 shooter that Sony hopes will fare well against Gears of War and Halo 3 has run into some problems–not with the development of the game, but it was revealed that screenshots for the game were doctored and altered to make the screenies look better.
Kotaku spotted the "irregularities" and caught Guerilla Games red handed.
Guerilla’s Seb Downie, admitted to this on the official PS3 forums and said:
"They are only the tiniest bit touched up. Short answer is yes. Long answer is that there was a little bit of color-correction done and some minor polish, but nothing major. Still very close to reality and it looks better in motion in my opinion."
Is that like saying to your police officer that, "Well gee, I forged that phony ID with the "tiniest" of changes to cash that check…"
Representing a game accurately to the public should be at the top of the list for game companies in their campaigns to sell their games. But is the altering of screenshots widespread? It’s hard to say one way or another.
PSU did a side by side match-up from the Leipzeg game convention demo of Killzone 2 and the enhanced sceenshot of the same scene. Do the changes make a big difference?
[via PS3 forums]