GH III player lands Guiness record. 889,256 points!

Last weekend, a Guitar Hero III player by the name of Chris Chike drove two hours to a Play N Trade store in Bloomington, Minnesota to compete in the national tournament the retail chain was holding.

It was there that Chike not only bested his previous score of 870,647 points but also landed a spot in the Guiness record books and simultaneously earned himself a whopping $2000.

I’d say that’s quite a feat considering this fellow won more money from just one tournament than some tourney players earn in their whole career.

However, the scary part of this news is that while we’re all blown away by the examples of Guitar Hero skills we see on Youtube–Chris Chike apparently posesses even more talent than they do.

It would certainly be interesting to actually see this guy play.


[Via Joystiq]


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