Earlier this morning reports surfaced that GameStop employees were removing coupons for free access to OnLive from PC copies of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Now the videogame retailer has taken things a step further and finds itself in even more controversy.
A screen capture of an email from GameStop reveals plans to remove the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution from store shelves. The reasoning behind the move is that the company is developing its own game-streaming service, and OnLive is a key competitor.
The email also detailed an "agreement" with Square Enix stating that all regular PC editions will be sent back to the publisher. Anyone who pre-ordered the PC version of the game should still receive their copy.
Square Enix issued a statement on its website, explaining that the company "respects the right of GameStop to have final say over the contents of products it sells and to adjust them where they see fit in accordance with their policies."