Gamespot recalling Lost Odyssey review?

lost odysseyA recent review done by GameSpot on Lost Odyssey apparently drew lots of commotion with its readers as far as the accuracy of it. One of the complaints in the review stated that the load times were excruciatingly long.

GameSpot stated:

"…Insanely long loading times follow suit, to the point where you will wait close to a minute after a cutscene, only to discover that another scene follows. Make no mistake, Lost Odyssey is an artistic beauty, but in light of other games that use the same engine–and other RPGs on the platform–it doesn’t look so incredibly good that it should perform so poorly."

Readers were contradicting the point about the long load times and as it turns out, the review copy that was sent to Gamespot from Microsoft did not include the tweaks, which addressed the loading issues. The retail versions, which were shipped out to stores, included the fixes.

Game Informer magazine first got wind of this discrepancy and decided to be more cautious by holding back on their review of Lost Odyssey:

"We caught word that there is a difference in load times between the review build we had and the final boxed version, however, so we’re waiting to double-check if this is indeed the case before we post. Our readers deserve the most accurate coverage possible, and if there is a noticeable load reduction in the retail SKU, we want to make sure they know. We’re hoping to have our review posted tomorrow-stay tuned."

GameSpot says that it will buy a retail copy off the shelf and reevaluate the game to see if any changes to the review score is merited. It offered these words about the snafu:

"The greatest injury is to our readers, who have every right to expect review text without errors. It hurts GameSpot, which is under great scrutiny from our audience based on events that many have interpreted as hurting our credibility; a circumstance like this, while out of our control, can further feed the speculative fires. It hurts Microsoft, because we and our readers trust that the game provided to us as final and reviewable, and major gaffes like these cause everyone involved to question the validity of that code in the future."

GameSpot has added a note to the original Lost Odyssey review regarding what it plans to do in light of these new developments.

[via GameSpot]


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