Fruit Ninja Kinect now availabe on XBLA

Today is Wednesday, and that means a new release for Xbox Live Arcade. That release is Fruit Ninja Kinect.

Fruit Ninja Kinect allows players to become the Ninja using the power of the Kinect. You’ll be able to swing your arms, jump, and kick through an endless cascade of flying fruits while trying to avoid dangerous bombs. There are both single-player and two-player modes so you can battle with a friend to slice up as many fruits as you can handle. Fruit Ninja was a big success on mobile platforms and it just made sense for the game to make an appearance on Xbox Live Arcade as a Summer of Arcade title.

There are three single-player modes: You can compete for the high score in Classic Mode, you can slash through the game in 90 seconds in Zen Mode, or you can go for a high score and special power-ups in the Arcade Mode. The game also adds on local multiplayer so fellow Ninjas can slice side by side, and online leaderboards, achievements, unlockable blades, backgrounds, and avatar shadows. Fruit Ninja Kinect is available for 800 Microsoft Points.


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