First Crysis patch finally arrives!

Crysis 1.1 patchThe first patch for Crysis has finally arrived, fixing a number of bugs as well as making some gameplay changes and performance tweaks.

The 1.1 patch weighs in at a decent 139MB and can be grabbed form here or here or wherever else you can find it!

Now, what you’ve all been waiting for — other than the actual patch, of course — the 1.1 changelist:



-Damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW has been made consistent

-F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well

-When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will not be in a permanently raised position anymore

-Memory leaks and potential crashes


-Improved SLI / Crossfire support and performance

-Improved overall rendering performance (DX9 and DX10)

-Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10


-Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer

-Clamped water tessellation to avoid cheating in MP

-Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode

-Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly


Now go, download the patch, have a play around and tell us what you think of the changes or lack thereof.

[via CVG]


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