Well if you’ve been lusting after an Xbox 360 Elite, the following picture, (see below) may pull back some of those juices.
Someone walked into a store (whose name has been left anonymous) and took a quickie snapshot of an Elite 360 in a display case. So what? The reason why this is interesting is that the Elite is showing the world its "red ring of death" panel status message.
Can you say, "What the heck?"
Apparently, the high tech marketing gurus, in their haste to keep criminal hands from trying to make off with the demo unit, completely forgot that enclosing the 360 in its hermitically sealed tomb would make it sort of hot in there for said Elite. Hence, the appearance of the infamous "red ring of death."
Even if it wasn’t due to overheating, this has to be a pretty bad advertisement for the machine.
I wonder if those store clerks have noticed this yet?

[via kotaku]