EA announces Dead Space

EA's Dead SpaceEA’s new policy of quality over quantity is really starting to take shape lately. It seems they really are committed to working hard to create a good product for their consumers, but more than that they are also committed to developing new IPs.

The first of those IPs to be revealed is called Dead Space. Dead Space, as you undoubtedly have guessed, is a survival horror game set in space. OK, so it’s not exactly the most risky or original idea that’s ever reached the GN headlines.

Nothing is yet known about the title, as Game Informer has secured the exclusive so we’ll have to wait for the October issue to hit newsstands and mailboxes for specifics.

One thing is for absolute certain though. It will be better than Dino Crisis 3. I mean, come on, how could it possibly be worse? My guess is that within the genre of space horror games, it will fall safely and directly between DC3 and System Shock 2 and everyone will be perfectly OK with that.


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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