Driver San Francisco demo now available

Driver: San Francisco screenshot

Ubisoft has announced that the demo for the upcoming release of Driver San Francisco is now available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for North America. The demo will feature three single-player missions in the city of San Francisco.

Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Ubisoft had this to say about the title:

"The Driver franchise has always been defined by the excitement of high speed chases and the freedom to drive anywhere in huge cities," said Key. "Playing Driver San Francisco is the best way to reveal this unique Driver feeling and we are thrilled gamers will be able to get a taste of why we are so excited about Driver San Francisco‘s release in September."

Here is a list of what can be expected in the demo:

– Team Colors – Shift between your cars to finish first and second in a race.
– Escapist – Escape the police with your VIP passenger.
– Prove It – Execute stunts and tricks and a cop chase.

Expect Driver San Francisco to hit store shelves in North America on September 6 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Nintendo Wii.


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