Dead Space 2 – More Die Hard, Less Paranormal Activity

dead space 2 action

Visceral Games has provided some new but sparse details regarding their upcoming sequel, Dead Space 2. With the Dante’s Inferno release around the corner, the developer intends to shift its focus onto what will apparently be a much more action packed sequel to the hit sci-fi horror game, Dead Space. Here’s what senior VP Nick Earl at Visceral had to say to Industry Gamers:

"We’ve got two main teams; we’ve got some supporting content for Dante’s Inferno coming out, but we’ll mostly shift our attention to Dead Space 2."

"The first one was well received, and we want to take advantage of that start with something that has tremendously wide appeal."

"We’re more focused on the action than the horror this time. We’re more empowering to the player. We’ve got a lot of feature innovation and we feel comfortable because we have something with resonance and we have something that’s so capable."

"I’ve heard some people say that Dead Space was the most ‘un-EA game’ they had seen, and they meant it as a compliment! Funny anecdote, when [EA CEO] John [Riccitiello] in his position several years ago and was touring the studio, he said he wanted a horror game. He went away and when it came back, he helped support and finally realize that game in Dead Space."

"That’s one thing we like about Visceral; we can really establish a new audience with it. I feel it’s on the pathway to greatness and being widely recognized. We love the culture we’ve established in doing edgy properties like Dead Space and Dante’s Inferno, created with the philosophy ‘let’s build quality and let the rest follow.’"

No release date yet for Dead Space 2, but based on a timeline for the release of the release date, the game will probably hit shelves in late 2010.



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Author: Dan Crabtree View all posts by
Dan is Managing Editor for GamerNode and a freelance gaming writer. His dog is pretty great. Check him out on Twitter @DanRCrabtree.

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