The Q: Do you LAN?

dqSocial interaction is becoming more and more a part of gaming today. Where previously console games had a max player limit of two, now games like Warhawk can put 32 players in one game over the good old Internet. While large multiplayer games are still a fairly recent development for consoles, PC gamers have been doing that for quite some time.

I would say that most people play their games online, the birth of Live in conjunction with high speed Internet really helped move that technology. But everyone does that. I want to know about actual human interaction.

Do you ever get a bunch of people over for a LAN party?

Some of the best times I’ve had with my friends where on nights where there were a couple of Xbox’s and a couple of televisions crammed into a teeny tiny apartment. While playing online with your friends is great, being able to hear someone yelling in the other room when you pull off a headshot from across the map is far more satisfying. And having everyone in the same place is the only possible way the night can end with a 1v1 capture the flag tournament at Beaver Creek because everyone else is asleep.

Last year GameNight was a weekly event at my apartment. Anywhere between 4 and 8 people got together and just played games until all hours of the morning. It has since fallen off because I moved and have fewer Xbox’s and televisions because of it. I really miss the human interaction and I just wanted to know who else is in my boat.


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