Crysis hasn’t had the best of runs. Myriads of people have had problems with the game crashing, freezing up, having texture and model issues and much more. In the multiplayer component of the game there were many balancing issues, problems with damage levels and countless other concerns with gameplay.
Well, the lads at Crytek have been working hard over the past few months, and at long last the Crysis 1.2 patch has finally been released, and it’s one hell of a patch. Weighing in at around 360MB it’s full of so many bug fixes and additions that the change log alone is impressive.
Here are the main fixes and additions found in the patch:
– Added mod loader to main menu
– Increased damage of most player-fired weapons and decreased damage of most AI-fired weapons
– Added auto team balance
– Added grenade indicator for enemy and friendly team
– Added additional audio feedback (headshot/body) on bullet impact
– Fully implementing Crytek’s internal anti-cheat-solution
– Added numbers to energy bar in PowerStruggle for quicker reference
– Added team colors to kill/death messages
– Team killed players no longer drop their weapon
– Improved vehicle handling under braking and boosting
– Greatly increased AAA damage vs. VTOL and Helicopter
– Reduced collision damage for players hit by vehicles at lower speeds
For the full change log head on over to Internode.