As if a snap shot was hurriedly taken of a secret document before the police arrived, an interesting piece of information has surfaced that may be indicating that the Core version Xbox 360 maybe on its way out. (The core model lacks a 20GB drive.)
A blurry photo of a Best Buy inventory sheet shows that the core Xbox model is "deleted." What this means in everyday language is that "it is being taken out of the system," according to an insider source from joystiq.
Another photo shows the core Xbox stock item with a "y" attached to it. That little "y" means, "…replenishment of this item is not expected." The date of the inventory sheet is July 29, 2007.
So does this mean that the core Xbox model is saying goodbye to us? A Microsoft rep says, "Nothing’s changed since last week."
A pretty safe statement, but it still leaves the door open that the Core version of the 360 maybe ending soon.