Choose your own escape in this Dishonored gameplay video

A new gameplay trailer for Arcane Studio’s Dishonored shows three different ways players might be able to escape from the scenes of their crimes.

In Dishonored players will assume the role of Corvo, a former bodyguard to the Empress who was framed for her murder and has now begun a brutal quest for revenge. A crucial element in video games is that of choice, and that’s an element the game is attempting to sell itself on. A new gameplay trailer out today shows players the level of choice they might expect to find in Dishonored, showcasing three different ways they can take to escape a certain crime scene.

The first approach sees Corvo using his Blink ability, which allows him to teleport short distances to confuse and elude his pursuers. In the second approach, Corvo is using Bend Time to gain a combative edge on his would-be captors. The last escape is executed using the Possession ability to instil division amongst the enemy ranks.

If the marketing is to believed, it would seem that Dishonored is living up to its reputation as a game driven by player choice. Bethesda promises a future video, titled “Creative Kills,” so players will be able to make up their own minds in the days leading to the games October 12 release.

In the meantime check out GamerNode’s E3 2012 preview for more details on Dishonored‘s Dickensian world and its creative use of violence.


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Author: Aled Morgan View all posts by
Aled has served with distinction as a UNSC Spartan, become a Pokemon master, and saved the kingdom/world/galaxy more times than he can remember. Mixing a passion for gaming with a passion for writing since he was a child, Aled will play anything and everything he can get his hands on. When he isn’t trawling through virtual worlds or pawing at a keyboard to make words happen, he plays Ultimate Frisbee.

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