In news that’ll warm your hearts, the annual Child’s Play charity drive raised over $1.3 million USD in video games, books and toys for children’s hospitals across the country and around the world.
Originally, Child’s Play was only expecting to hit its goal of $750,000 USD, which they easily hit back in mid-December, so I’m sure plenty of kids will be happy to see the total amount of contributions hit $1.3 million.
The charity was started back in 2003 by the fine folks of Penny Arcade and since then, over $2 million have been donated to children’s hospitals around the country and the world. Over 45 hospitals participated in this year’s Child’s Play charity.
Look at the image after the jump, it’ll wrap your head around the quantity of stuff that was donated; that’s just stuff Nintendo themselves donated. Who said the gaming industry is filled with murderous teenagers with itchy trigger fingers?!