CEO of ESA wants to expand the use of DMCA

dmcaI don’t know about you, but I hate the idea of downloading something and having a set number of installations behind it. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the technology behind the iTunes music lock, and the two installations of Bioshock for PC. I bought it! I should have unlimited access to it!

Well, all that is part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which was passed in 1998. Basically it forbids anyone making copies or reproduction of copyrighted materials.

Mike Gallagher, CEO of the Entertainment Software Association, has just expressed his urge to spread the DMCA to the rest of the world. "Very few countries follow the path of the DMCA. It’s very important we see that extended."

Great. Now the rest of the world can share my everyday frustrations. Welcome to my world!

[via Filefront]


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