I’m not sure how long this knowledge has been available to mankind but I’m going to say at the very most only 2 weeks. I just popped over the ESRB site to see if anything I’m looking forward to has a rating and I was adequately rewarded for my efforts.
It seems that everyone’s favorite and oft-delayed XBLA game has a rating! That’s right kids, Castle Crashers has been officially rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. That means someone not on the dev team has actually played it. I’m slightly jealous of that person.
We already knew the game was complete, but I assumed that like most XBLA games it would be months before it got through Microsoft certification. Now that the game is rated it should mean that the certification process is over… right?
Using my deductive reasoning I’m going to say that Castle Crashers will be coming to an Xbox near you soon, though it wouldn’t surprise me if that ‘soon’ time happens after E3. With so much buzz surrounding this game Microsoft will probably want to give it a proper showing and E3 is just around the corner.

[via ESRB]