Behemoth updates blog… that was fast

DENIED! Well that was fast. I reported earlier today that The Behemoth (of Alien Hominid fame) had begun a blog. The blog to end all blogs, the one that would update us on Castle Crashers! Well, we have already been graced with some news dreictly from the aforementioned blog. You’re thinking, "woo!" As was I, my readers, as was I.

"We currently have about 22 unlockable characters in Castle Crashers. Throughout the game you will have the opportunity to add these characters to your arsenal by various different means (was that vague enough). The chart below will be updated as we get closer to launch with more of these playable characters."

The post was simple, elegant, and nearly knocked me out of my chair. Twenty two characters?! Twenty two. That’s a lot of characters even for a retail released game, and this thing is coming to XBLA.

I am scared dear readers, terrified beyond belief. With 22 characters comes 22 sets of animation and 22 sets of weapons. Everyone better settle in, and make a sandwich, and earmark early 2009… there’s a long road ahead of us.


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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