Behemoth has blog, still no Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers The Behemoth, developer of one of my favorite games of 2007, Alien Hominid HD, has started a blog devoted to the development of their newest game, Castle Crashers.

From their page: "The purpose for this site will be to provide updates on the development process for our next title Castle Crashers. Our hope is to post weekly and share with you all of the crazy stuff that we’ve been doing in order to get this game out."

I wonder what kind of "crazy stuff" they’re going to do? Are they going to be worshiping ancient deities? Calling upon pagan magiks? Raising an army of zombies to help with the workload?

They better be doing something crazy, and fast. This game was announced in July of 2006 with a target release date of early 2007. We currently sit in early 2008, closing in on mid-2008 still with no release date in sight.

I don’t ask for much. I just want this game to come out in all its four player co-op side scrolling glory. Quit blogging and get back to work.


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Author: Creighton DeSimone View all posts by

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