Back in June, we reported that the next Katamari game, Beautiful Katamari, was going to be an Xbox 360 exclusive title. Shedding its PS3 and Wii clothes, we ended up receiving a Beautiful Katamari demo on Xbox Live just last month, so things appear to be confirmed.
Or are they? If you head to Namco Bandai’s website for the game, you’ll notice that there’s still noted release dates for a PS3 and Wii version of the game. Even though they say TBD now, it looks like Namco didn’t truly abandon the other consoles.
Still, is this just a case of someone not updating the website? Beautiful Katamari’s box art still states "Only for Xbox 360", so we’ll have to see about this one.
Beautiful Katamari hits U.S. stores on October 16th and Japanese stores on October 18th.

[Via Kotaku]