There’s yet another HD format disk coming our way. Dubbed HD VMD, Medium Enterprises will be launching their relatively cheap, $150 player for their new format next month. According to Yahoo News, that is:
About half the cost of the least-expensive 1080p HD DVD player, and perhaps a fourth the cost of the least-expensive Blu-ray player. The movies that work in them are similarly inexpensive.
This begs the question, in an already tiny and, perhaps, diminishing HD market, what advantage is there to fracturing it yet further with another next-gen HD format? Cardwell, from Medium Enterprises replies:
HD VMD players work with other, non-HD VMD content–and because they’re inexpensive, buyers may be willing to take a chance.
And thus, with greater adoption, the HD VMD format would become a viable alternative for studios to sell. I’m skeptical, however. This has bad idea written all over it.
[via Evil Avatar]