Analyst: PSP2 "Dead on Arrival"


Sony still has yet to officially announce a PSP2, but according to leaked information and screenshots the handheld is indeed in development and could possibly see a late 2011 release. Rumored features include a larger, HD capable screen and touch controls. But that doesn’t have everyone convinced the new handheld will be a success.

Consumer analyst Michael Pachter recently had some harsh words for the PSP2 and handhelds in general. "We are approaching saturation on the handheld market," explained Pachter. "The ubiquity of the iPod touch is cutting into the handheld market – I think the PSP was dead on arrival and I think the PSP2 is going to be dead on arrival."

He then went on to elaborate his thoughts on the current state of handhelds. "It looks to me like young kids are just as happy playing with an iPod touch or a nano; the touch is cool, it plays games, it plays music, you can put a camera on it. The 3DS will prolong the handheld market for games manufacturers, but ultimately I think handhelds are in trouble."

Those are some strong words about the handheld market, especially considering its current success. It should be interesting to see how things pan out for the 3DS and the PSP2 in the future.



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Author: Anthony LaBella View all posts by
My first experience playing a video game blew me away. The fact that Super Metroid was that game certainly helped. So I like to think Samus put me on the path to video games. Well, I guess my parents buying the SNES had a little something to do with it. Ever since then my passion for video games has grown. When I found that I could put words together into a coherent sentence, videogame journalism was a natural interest. Now I spend a large majority of my time either playing video games or writing about them, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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