After Alan Wake finishes his journey in the upcoming game titled with his name, it will continue with post-launch downloadable episodes. The game already has at least two episodes planned for release after the game this year, and Remedy Entertainment is stating that future episodes will be dependent upon the initial DLC’s success.
"I think it’ll depend a lot on the audience, but certainly we want to — if we’re successful — we want to do a large ‘Season 2,’ if you will, at some point," said Remedy managing director Matias Myllyrinne in an interview with Joystiq. "Right now, I’m not allowed to say what we’re doing exactly this year. But we’re going to have more than one episode come out this year."
The developer will announce more information regarding the length and amount of DLC for the game after they determine the game’s success and feedback after its launch.
Alan Wake releases for the Xbox 360 on May 18.