Video Games Live in Philly: Time With Tommy Tallarico


I recently attended the Video Games Live show in Philadelphia, and I must admit that it was even better than I thought it would be. Read my review/reaction here.

Here, though, is my exclusive one-on-one interview with Tommy Tallarico, co-founder of Video Games Live and game music legend!

Read all about Tommy on his website.

I spoke with Tommy before the matinee about his career, his project, and his future.

Listen for a special apperance by another game music legend, talking about his newest project!

00:00 – "New Junk City" from Earthworm Jim, one of Tommy’s compositions
00:12 – Intro
00:24 – "Good to see another paisan out there."
00:45 – Is Tommy related to Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler?
01:49 – A visit from another gaming music icon!
04:14 – Back with Tommy, why game music over rock music like his cousin?
06:22 – Going through the list of Tommy’s works. GROOVY!
07:22 – Which of his awards sticks out in Tommy’s mind?
09:07 – The beginnings of Video Games Live.
10:47 – Any game not in the concert that is wanted?
11:42 – Pokemon soundtrack is highly requested.
12:08 – "We’re playing games now in the show that aren’t even out yet."
12:30 – Tommy’s favorite VGL show: Taiwan.
14:10 – TV production vs live event production.
15:44 – Tommy’s non-profit for game audio engineers, the Game Audio Network Guild.
18:00 – Tommy’s favorite personality to work with.
19:00 – What’s next for Tommy Tallarico?
20:05 – Outro
20:10 – "Andy Asteroids" from Earthworm Jim, another of Tommy’s compositions.

All recorded using my Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, Audacity, and my USB Guitar Hero microphone.

Tommy Tallarico, ladies and gentlemen. Without him, gaming music wouldn’t be what it is today.

No matter the composer, remember…

Keep listening. You’ll never know what you’ll miss if you don’t.


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Author: Jason Fanelli View all posts by
Jason lives and breathes gaming. Legend tells that he taught himself to read using Wheel of Fortune Family Edition on the NES. He's been covering this industry for three years, all with the Node, and you can see his ugly mug once a week on Hot Off The Grill.

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