[flash width="425" height="385"]http:/www.youtube.com/v/kNH7nmeHmvI&color1=0xb1b1b1[/flash]
For those who have played through God of War 3 and beaten the game on Spartan Mode, the above video, titled Fate of the Titan, is unlocked. Don’t worry, the video is effectively spoiler free, and since Sony Santa Monica has already announced that GOW3 is the last entry in Kratos story arc, a different setting shouldn’t come as a big surprise.
What is really surprising, however, is that the video shows helicopters investigating the Pandora’s Box Temple ruins. Will the next hero be from the modern era, and what does this mean for the genre of the series? (action to shooter?)
Obviously, only time will tell, but this short video defnitely gives gamers a lot to mull over about the future of the wildly successful series.