Century: Eastern Wonders is the successor to the successful hand-management game, Century: Spice Road by Emerson Matsuushi, from Plan B Games. This time, Emerson has create a spacial action selection and goods conversion game with elements of pick-up-and-deliver.
But the really innovation element of this game is that it can be combined with Spice Road to create a new game, Century: From Sand to Sea, which uses fewer location tiles and incorporates the cards from the first game to add in that excellent hand-building and hand management, also utilizing cards to power players’ movement across the modular board.
In that form, this game is excellent, while in its base form, I feel it loses a bit more of the luster of its predecessor. Therefore, I have 2 ratings: the main score listed above is for the base Eastern Wonders game, but when combined with Spice Road, that score gets bumped up to a 4 out of 5 – COMMENDABLE – rating.