The E3 Inventory Screen

E3 2011 is upon us. These are my equips. From top left:

E3 Inventory Screen

Biz Cards (That top one is extra old, naming me as GamerNode Senior Editor)
GN’s 2011 Best of E3 placard prints (Sneak peek! You can guess what those will be used for)
Tiny notepads (Even I use ancient technology sometimes)
Pen (Mightier than the keyboard?)
Double-sided mounting tape (I fear for TV screens)
Cellular telephone, of the “smart” variety
iPhone, to prove that I don’t take sides (Android and iOS, together in perfect harmony)
Sony digital voice recorder (Interviews, anyone?)
Small DSLR bag, minus the camera (which took the picture), and with two extra lenses (That zoom isn’t actually for the show, but for the Sierra Nevada)
Asus GAMING laptop (I’m so rad with my LIGHTNING BOLTS!)
Backup batteries — AA and AAA — for Sony and Zoom recorders (Nothing can top the copper top)
Thick-framed, black glasses (For when I need that extra nerd cred. Also to see clearly)
40oz canteen (Don’t forget, kids, you need to drink eight glasses of water every day! And don’t forget this)

Inventory is full. I even managed to apply the super-cool hack that allowed my cell phone and iPod touch to stack in a single slot. Let’s do this.


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Author: Eddie Inzauto View all posts by
Eddie has been writing about games on the interwebz for over ten years. You can find him Editor-in-Chiefing around these parts, or talking nonsense on Twitter @eddieinzauto.

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