Unreal Tournament 2007 System Requirements

By Mark Woodward, GN Writer Friday, November 11, 2005 If you're as big an Unreal Tournament fanboy as I am, you too will be yearning for the release of "UT2007." What's even more exciting is the fact that Epic are also already working on the next installment of the series, after "UT2007" (if that's what they eventually call it). But will your PC handle the processing speed and GPU speed required? Well, as a heads up, here's the minimum specs that you'll require to play either UT2007, or other games which use Epics' new engine (thanks to Beyond Unreal): Minimum Specifications: * 2.8GHz, 512MB RAM, Geforce 6 For high detail: * 3-4GHz, 1GB RAM, Nvidia 6800GT-Ultra or 7800GT-GTX SLI * Dual-core Processor use: Multi-Threading is supported and shouldprovide much better performance. * 64 Bit version available with better textures * Renderers: Shader-3.0, Fallback-Mode for Shader 2.0 maybe a DX8 * HDR: Yep * Physics: Novodex-Physik-Engine. * Ageias PhysX Processor supported. So as you plan your next upgrade or complete build, don't necessarily think about what will get you by for the next few months.


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