Activision Abandoning The Movies?

By Bradley Philbert, GN Editor-in-Chief

Activision has issued a statement to gamers who have criticized the mega-publisher for a limited release of the expansion to The Movies, The Movies: Stunts & Effects.

We understand that some fans in The Movies community are disappointed that The Movies: Stunts & Effects was not released in every territory. Activision made the decision to release the expansion pack in the territories where the game was most popular. We hope that fans will continue to make movies and develop content using the original game, but the company is not planning to release any localization patches. Thank you for your continued support.

The decision to ignore territories in the expansion release is no doubt based on the disappointing sales of The Movies, which was predicted to have very strong sales globally. Upon release, the game did not resonate with as many gamers as hoped.

Following the lukewarm response from gamers, a console version of The Movies was scrapped.

Though no official tabling has been made, the unapologetic nature of the response from Activision may signal that The Movies may receive little, if any, updates from either Activision or Lionhead.

Despite the game’s sometimes negative mojo, The Movies continues to enjoy a strong presence in the online community, due to the game’s movie uploading features.


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