Soul Calibur, the popular weapons combat fighter franchise, is going to make a new home with Nintendo’s Wii. Namco-Bandai announced that the new title will be named Soul Calibur Legends and will make special use of the motion sensing Wiimote and nunchuck. The Wiimote will control the sword action.
The Wiimote’s first entry as a sword controller was spotty at best with the release of Red Steel. Gamers complained of the horrible game lag while hacking and slashing. Oftentimes, when the gamer initiated a sword move, the onscreen action wouldn’t take place until a half a second or more. Although the experience was unique, it wasn’t the Wii’s most shining moment in showing off the capabilities of its motion controller. Hopefully, Namco-Bandai will be able to squash these bugs out.
Soul Calibur Legends will make its debut in the US during this winter.
[via next-gen]