Mario Party 8 pulled in UK because of "dirty" word

mario party 8Nintendo of Europe announced that Mario Party 8 was pulled from stores in the UK today.

Their reasoning was,"we have discovered that a small number of games contain the wrong version of the disk due to an assembly error."

No re-release date has been announced yet, but Nintendo said it’ll be shortly.

CVG did some further digging and uncovered the real reason why the game was pulled. Apparently at one point in the game, one piece of dialog uses the world "spastic", which is considered offensive in the UK.

This game pull is actually the second time it has happened over the use of that word. Ubisoft quickly pulled their DS and PSP puzzle game Mind Quiz following complaints of the use "super spastic" in the game just a few weeks ago.

This can’t bode too well for the game, especially since it garnered rather mediocre reviews upon its release. Feel free to read our review of the game too.


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