Tim Cain speaks on Fallout 3

timcainAfter my Fallout 3 article, I got a lot of emails, AIMs, MSN messages, private messages, and even carrier pigeons asking if I knew what Tim Cain (you know, one of the guys behind Fallout…didn’t he did the textures, or something?) thought of Fallout 3.

I asked Tim, and here’s what he had to say:

"Hey Brendon, I’m not commenting on the Fallout 3 game. Since it’s been almost ten years since I worked on the original games, I am not sure I am even in a position to accurately review it. Besides, the end of Troika marked the end of my public career. I will still make games, but I will let other people market, demo and otherwise shout their goodness into the airwaves.

Rest assured that I plan to play Fallout 3 when it comes out. I am as expectant as any fan, but I am going to reserve comment and judgment until I can play the finished game."

There you have it. Other than a wonderful future as a politician, Tim also reminds many Fallout fans that Fallout 3 isn’t finished yet. Maybe we should reserve judgment (good and bad) until we get something playable? Makes sense to me.


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Author: Brendon Lindsey View all posts by

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