Get DIRTy in September!

Colin McRae: DIRTIt’ll be time to bust out some extra Mr. Clean Magic Erasers once September rolls around as Codemasters has announced that Colin McRae: DIRT will be hitting store shelves for the PS3 on September 11th.

DIRT is the first McRae game after being on hiatus for two years, but critical acclaim of the games seems to prove that it was worth the wait. Often quoted as a graphical showcase, the game certainly doesn’t seem like it’ll disappoint on the PS3 and it has been confirmed that a wide selection of force feedback steering wheels will be supported to enhance your driving experience.

During E3, Codemasters also stated that they have been making optimizations to the engine, bringing the game closer to a steady 30 frames per second than you’ll currently find on the Xbox 360, as well as uncompressed 7:1 surround sound. Keep your eyes peeled for a demo a few weeks prior to release on the Playstation Network.


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