Over the past couple of months, Sega and Nintendo have been droping hints to their beloved fans that perhaps, the legendary game icon, Sonic, will join the fight in the upcoming Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
A photo has been leaked to the internet this week that is probably the biggest "hint" of them all. The EB Games advertisement features realistic box art, as well as a bunch of classic Nintendo characters labeled as being a part of the gam plus the game’s title logo.
The most iconic of these fighters to be revealed was Sonic, the mascot of Nintendo’s (ex?) rival Sega. Whether or not this is true is unclear, mainly due to EB Games immediateley covering up the slip by saying it was merely a mock up. Still, EB has some explaining to do if that’s true, because the photo will be misleading to thousands of buyers who preorder the game. Is it true or is it a farce?
But if the rumor is true, it will be another big selling point for the already coveted Super Smash Bros. game. See the box art below to decide for yourself.