PS3 used as cheap supercomputer

More than just a grillA physics professor based in Massachusetts has created a cheap and powerful supercomputer, using PlayStation 3s. Eight PlayStation 3s!

When Sony first released information regarding their next major gaming console, physics professor Guarav Khanna had a feeling that the console could be used for a lot more than gaming. The feeling mainly came from the fact that Sony was going to use the Cell Processor in the PS3, which according to Khanna is "equal to about 25 processors in a traditional desktop computer."

So, late last year Khanna and his colleague Glen Volkema created a supercomputer using a cluster of eight PS3s running Linux. So far it’s worked out quite well, with Khanna and Volkema using the cluster to conduct highly calculation-intensive research on small stars and black holes.

If used on a widespread basis, PS3 clusters could solve a lot of problems, as there is limited supply of supercomputers in the world and they are being heavily used almost constantly. If schools and colleges could build their own PS3 clusters to act as supercomputers, calculations that have to be queued and can take days to be run could instantly be run by the colleges or schools own PS3 cluster. With PS3s only costing $399, a powerful cluster can easily be created for under $4000!

Khanna also believes that the PS3s potential as a replacement for regular desktop PCs in schools and colleges is extremely great. Needing only a monitor, keyboard and mouse, PS3s could prove to be a popular alternative to PCs for use in computer labs, although Khanna acknowledges that overcoming the perception that the PS3 is solely a gaming console could be "quite a battle."

Sony should look into getting in contact with professor Khanna; they could use his PS3 cluster to run MGS4 without any lag.

[via eSchool News]


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