Brawl may not work on some Wii systems

Super Smash Bros BrawlOh, the horror! Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to be around one of those Nintendo nuts who poured over Brawl screenshots for months–building up to the release when he/she found out that the copy they had been waiting for, and paid fifty dollars for…didn’t work at all.

I can imagine the Amazon Death Cry right now. *Shudder* Scary stuff. Well, scary as it may be, the fact is that it actually is happening. There are reports being sent in that Super Smash Bros Brawl is simply caput on some Wii systems.

Now, as humorous as it would be to see this game ship with a debilitating bug that forced a mass recall (sorry, I know that’s mean) this problem is far from irreparable. Nintendo themselves, the grand Mute that it is, has actually come down from on high to offer a fix for this problem that should allay any Brawler’s post-launch woes. And yes, it just so happens to be a better solution than when Activision offered to send a fixed version six months later.

"Super Smash Bros. Brawl utilizes a double-layer disc which has a large memory capacity. A very small percentage of Wii consoles may have trouble consistently reading data off this large capacity disc if there is some contamination on the lens of the disc drive. Nintendo has specialized cleaning equipment that can resolve this problem. (Please do NOT attempt to clean the lens yourself, as you may damage the system.)"

If any of you unfortunatel souls are out there reading this in GamerNodeLand you can visit the Nintendo repair website for exact instructions on how you can go about fixing this.

[via Kotaku]


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Author: Andy Groen View all posts by

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