Elebits 2 coming this year but not on the Wii

elebitsAnyone remember the game Elebits? It was one of the launch titles for the Wii. The game was interesting and had to do with catching these little electrical aliens. The game received mixed reviews but was an underground hit with kids and some of the casual gaming community. 

Elebits may have not been a blockbuster hit but it seems that its performance may have merited enough of a following to produce a sequel — Elebits 2. But the shocking, (pun intended) is that the game will be released for the Nintendo DS with no Wii version announced so far.

You can expect the small-multicolored aliens to show up sometime on store shelves at the end of August and hopefully, Nintendo will  also have a Wii version out too.

[via siliconera]


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