There may be an end in sight to the nasty woes facing anyone who tries to play online with Super Smash Bros Brawl. has quoted Nintendo as saying that the problem is rapidly being fixed and that it’s getting better by the day.
"As with the launch of any online-enabled game, especially one as popular as Super Smash Bros. Brawl, everyone wants to play at once. This puts a strain on the pipeline. We have seen improvements in online play performance every day since launch."
As a commenter on their site so eloquently put it, "that’s because a lot of people gave up." Funny, but probably not at all incorrect. People are still playing Brawl en masse, so the answer isn’t that the game got less popular, it really is probably that people just got fed up with the mess and gave up.
Give Nintendo a break though. I don’t know why anybody in the world expected them to get online play right in only a sparse few tries. It takes everyone a while to warm up to the process. It took Sony years and years to truly get a good online system going with the PSN, and Xbox Live was only a shadow of its current self in its early years.
[via Nintendo Everything