Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack detailed

cod4shotIf you pick up the Game of the Year edition of Call of Duty 4 on April 1st or wait two more days for April 3rd, you’ll be treated to the release of a Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points. Included within are four new multiplayer maps titled Creek, Broadcast, Chinatown and Killhouse.

If you can’t wait for more CoD 4 multiplayer mayhem and live in New York City or San Jose, GameStop will host a Variety Map Pack Challenge on March 28th where gamers can try out the new maps on the Xbox 360 against the game’s developer Infinity Ward. Get there quick because the first 100 guests will receive a free token to download the Variety Map Pack for free upon its release.

Here are the descriptions of the new CoD 4 maps:

"The Variety Map Pack includes four new multiplayer maps. ‘Creek’ is a wide-open village ravaged by combat where concealment is the difference between life and death. In ‘Broadcast,’ fight throughout an enemy communications building with confined corridors and wide-open parking lots. ‘Chinatown’ is a foggy downtown district, lit only by a full moon and the neon glow of the city. ‘Killhouse’ features a desolate training warehouse filled with a variety of building mock-ups and soft and hard cover points."

In the meantime, when are these new maps coming to PC?



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