Despite the infrequent release of quality titles on Nintendo’s machine (aside from Brawl, at least), there’s one thing that may or may not be on the minds of Wii owners as of late: Wii Fit.
While not all hardcore gamers have the desire to step on the balance board that will be bundled with the game, there’s no denying that it may potentially appeal to the soccer moms that will see it in action when it’s inevitably featured on morning talk shows throughout the country near the time of its release.
Naturally, the first thought that will likely come to the mind of many will be, "How much?"
A rumor has recently sprung up concerning the price of the big N’s excercise set, which suggests that it will be attainable for $90.
Considering that the company has been keeping the casuals in mind for the longest time, it’d be a fairly intelligent move to price the product at a price point that won’t remove the thought of buying one from their heads in favor of purchasing a Richard Simmons work-out vid.