Cheaters beware, Microsoft rolled out some new changes on how they handle the mischievous folks who tamper with their gamerscore and achievements. The new updates are reflected on this newly revised support page.
An Xbox Live player who is found to be cheating will have their gamerscore set to zero, they won’t be able to regain all their previously earned achievements and they’ll be labeled as a cheater for all the community to view and subsequently be pointed and laughed at.
Note that while you won’t be able to regain your earned achievements, you’ll still be able to gain future achievements in other games.
Microsoft mentions that cheaters are screened through specific criteria, but of course, they don’t say specifics. So my guess is that you have to have complete faith in the company.
Lastly, if you’re labeled as a cheater, you’ll be labeled as a cheater forever. In other words, there’s no appeals process. So be careful if you have careless siblings. Here’s an example of a cheating gamerscore.
[Via Major Nelson]