A few days ago it was reported that a petition was started to stop Ewe Boll from making any more movies. Boll first reacted by saying if the petition could get one million signatures, he would quit.
But it seems that the petition has gotten under his skin and he has reacted pretty forcefully regarding the campaign by slamming various movie luminaries and defenfing himself as an excellent film director.
His comments were obviously not meant for little children, Girl Scouts or small animals, but his rant is still pretty entertaining and funny even though he probably didn’t mean it to be.
"I’m not a f*cking retard like Michael Bay or other people running around in the business or Eli Roth making the same sh*tty movies over and over again. If you really look at my movies you will see my real genius you know, and if you go on May 23 on Postal you will see that I deliver a movie what nobody else delivered in the last 10 years, what is way better as all that social critic George Clooney bullsh*t what you get every f*cking weekend."
It sounds that Mr. Boll is slightly on edge from the criticisms he has taken about his directional talents on his movies. He says he is much better than anybody suspects and said, "You have to really wake up and you have to see me what I am. I am the only genius in the whole f*cking business. Goodbye."
Gee, and I thought many considered Spielberg and Lucas to fit that description. I guess, according to Mr. Boll, they are wrong.
[via movieset]