EA-Land was initially known as The Sims Online and launched in 2002. Earlier this year, the game was renamed and was given new servers and new features.
Electronic Arts recently announced that all EA-Land servers will be shut down and users will no longer be able to access the game.
The reason may have to do with the fact that the game didn’t reach the same amount of success as other Sims titles did. And that may have to do with, as one commenter put it, the fact that players don’t have much to do without paying the $15 subscription fee.
EA Land apparently didn’t show enough promise to further the venture. The Sims franchise has been milked for all it is worth and the closing of EA Land may be the writing on the wall that the venerable Sims may be reaching a saturation point, even with fans of the game.
EA said of the closure, "The lifetime of the game has drawn to an end, and now we will be focusing on new ideas and other innovative concepts in the games arena. We’d like to thank everyone who has taken part in this online community as a unique experience in the virtual world."
Either way, EA saw a reason to shut the game down so that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
[via ShackNews]
[with additional reporting by Frank Ling]