The Q: Can another franchise take down GTA?

GamerNode featureWhen the idea of the Daily Q was first pitched to me, today’s question was the very first thing that came to mind. With all of the hype surrounding Grand Theft Auto IV, I wonder how the gaming community views the competition (if you even acknowledge that there is any) that "GTA clones" present to Rockstar’s flagship franchise. Here’s my question:

After one solid week of playing Grand Theft Auto IV, do you think there is room for other free-roaming action games in that style, or does the GTA series’ prominence make competition impossible?

I’d say that GTA is pretty much unsinkable at this point, more due to brand awareness than to actual game quality. While it is definitely a great game, I am fairly confident that another studio could eclipse GTAIV in terms of videogame quality.  It would take lots of time and effort, however, and would be pretty damn ballsy to try to take on the GTA freight train now that it has so much momentum. Do developers have balls nowadays?

[Eddie Inzauto]


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